As part of the Kilimo Endelevu Arusha project, CARI is recruiting one or more consultants to produce deliverables designed to promote the project’s support methods and the integration of practices into the production systems of small-scale farms in the Arusha region of Tanzania.
The aim of the assignment is to promote the project’s support methods and the integration of practices into the farming systems of small-scale farms in the Arusha region.
- The RIPPAT support method
- Setting up a Participatory Guarantee System:
- Reforestation through the creation of collective tree nurseries
- Controlling erosion by practising Fanya Ju Fanya Chini
- Supporting farms to diversify production
- Water management through the installation of water reservoirs
The aim will therefore be to provide a detailed description of each of these approaches, how they were introduced or duplicated, and to gather a variety of viewpoints (from users and beneficiaries) in order to understand their relevance, practicality, success factors, difficulties, limitations, etc.
These elements will be presented in an operational, synthetic and accessible document that will encourage their use by other operators in the region and the country who may wish to do so.
Two levels of deliverables are expected as part of this service:
The first concerns documents for internal use, which must be exhaustive and provide a precise understanding of the information gathered. They should be produced in English or French.
The second concerns formatted documents for wide circulation. Specifically, these will be fact sheets, the content of which may be less detailed than in the documents for internal use, but which should offer a clear and educational presentation of the information gathered. These sheets will be formatted using CANVA or Photoshop software so that they can be easily reused by the project partners.
They must be in English, French and Swahili.
The overall budget for the assignement is €10,000 (incl. VAT).
A field mission of service providers in the project area is to be planned and the overall budget includes the costs of this mission
Profile and skills requirements
- Good knowledge of methods for rural development and farmers’ support
- Good knowledge of agroecology
- Significant experience in knowledge management, the development of teaching/educational material (the sharing of previously produced documents is strongly recommended)
- Desktop publishing / graphic design skills
- Good knowledge of the Tanzanian context
- Fluency in English (Swahili would be a plus)
- Call for tenders open until February 24, 2025
- Field mission in April 2025
- Submission of deliverables by May 23, 2025
Download the terms of references
Technical and financial proposals must be submitted by February 24, 2025 at latest by email to Ms Manon Albagnac, CARI:
Shortlisted service providers will be interviewed, and initial interviews may take place before the deadline for submission of bids.