Goedverwacht in South Africa (Avaclim)

Banniere de la fiche inititive AVACLIM Goedverwatch en afrique du sud

Goedverwacht in South Africa (Avaclim)

AVACLIM factsheets are presenting the history and characteristics of Agroecological Initiatives throughout the world. They also contain an analysis of the agroecology level of the initiatives, using 10 criterias.

EcoWin is a community driven initiative to empower the residents of Goedverwacht to produce unique products in an eco fNCdly way. EcoWin works closely with the Goedverwacht Tourism Development Forum to advance the development of the community and promote it as an agritourism destination.

The Moravian Church owns the entire Goedverwacht valley, including people’s homes and all of the agricultural lands. Residents have use of the land to produce crops on the basis of birth right, but they do not have formal written contracts, hindering their development.
The Goedverwacht valley has good horticultural soils, good quality irrigation water and a good microclimate for agriculture.
The members and associates farm primarily with vegetables and also produce rooibos tea, citrus fruits and herbs, including buchu, wildedagga and kankerbos. They also keep cattle, sheep and pigs. Most of the inputs used in producing the crops are locally produced or obtained, like seeds that are kept from a previous season. Chicken and cattle manure, biodegradable kitchen waste and fire ash produced by the producers are used to make compost to fertilise the soil.

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Afrique du Sud





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