Considering agroecolgy in the Rio Conventions

banniere note convention rio

Considering agroecolgy in the Rio Conventions

At the end of 2024, the three Rio Conventions – on climate change, biodiversity and desertification – will hold their Conferences of the Parties. In line with this agenda, this briefing note takes stock of the place of agroecology in the three Rio Conventions, as to provide the keys to analysis and to propose avenues of reflection for a better integration of agroecology in the three Conventions.

This brief note is based on an analysis of the Rio Conventions shared by three civil society organizations – CARI, Humundi and Iles de Paix – members of the Minka International network, which advocate for an agroecological transition in agricultural and food production systems.

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Centre de ressources sur la lutte contre la désertification

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CARI, Humundi, Iles de Paix, MINKA, Adeline Derkimba, Manon Albagnac, François Grenade, Alice Jandrain, Camille Rouaud


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