Summary Desertif’actions 2022

banniere synthese desertif'actions 2022

Summary Desertif’actions 2022

Désertif’actions 2022, a fifth multi-stakeholder event organised in three phases over 10 months

  • + More than 350 people from 17 countries took part in the national workshops
  • Production of 8 thematic fact sheets and 3 position papers
  • 29 association representatives from 13 countries took the D’a22 recommendations to COP15
  • 5 side events organised at COP15
  • 270 participants from 39 countries contributed to the International Civil Society Summit
  • + More than 100 stands and 50 speakers at the Land and Seeds Festival

This summary reviews the discussions, results and events that took place during the event.

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Centre de ressources sur la lutte contre la désertification

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