The effects of agroecology: examples from the AVACLIM project

The effects of agroecology: examples from the AVACLIM project

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Watch the 7 films made during the AVACLIM* project, featuring feedback from agro-ecology practitioners in seven countries around the world.

The AVACLIM project – funded by the Global Environment Facility (implemented by the FAO) and the French Global Environment Facility (implemented by CARI), and carried out by CARI and its partners – aims to create the conditions necessary for the deployment of agroecology in arid zones.

Practitioners, farmers and scientists are studying agroecological initiatives in seven countries: Burkina Faso, Senegal, Morocco, Ethiopia, South Africa, Brazil and India, in order to promote agroecology to the political authorities in these countries and to intergovernmental bodies.

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Centre de ressources sur la lutte contre la désertification

Type de publication
Vidéo / Radio


CAATINGA, Agrisud, Fondation Norsys, Enda Pronat, ARFA, ISD, EMG, GBS


Année de publication



Afrique du Sud, Brésil, Burkina Faso, Éthiopie, Inde, Maroc, Sénégal


Non communiqué



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