Le bocage, pour intégrer la sauvegarde de l'environnement dans l'agriculture pluviale au Sahel....
This family based agroecological initiative is led and inspired by feminist farmer Fátima Maria dos Santos,...
The Mission of the initiative is to empower marginalized rural people, especially women, children and dalits...
The mission and vision of AME are empowering small scale and marginal dryland farmers in degraded...
Zero-Budget’ Natural Farming (ZBNF) is a holistic agroecological alternative to high cost chemical inputsbased agriculture that...
The Mission of VAAGDHARA is to create and nurture vibrant institutions of poor and tribal peoples...
The mission of Dharamitra is to bring about the sustainable development of rural people by the...
The Bryanston Market is a reliable and transparent organic guarantee system for farmers and consumers to...
The mission of Biowatch is to challenge the industrialised food system and demonstrate agroecology as a...
The Cold Mountain Vineyard Cooperative aims to demonstrate sustainable development through indigenous knowledge and agro-ecology in...

Centre de ressources sur la lutte contre la désertification