Factsheet Agroecology and Land degradation neutrality

Banniere de la note d'actualité DA22

Factsheet Agroecology and Land degradation neutrality

CARI association is launching a Desertif’actions 2022 dynamic to put agroecology at the heart of the agenda to combat desertification and land degradation, by sharing and pooling the results of actions carried out by civil society and research. To prepare for this civil society advocacy for agroecology, national workshops were organised in more than 15 countries by partners and volunteer organisations. An online consultation and a webinar were also organised. All these results were analysed by experts from the Sahara and Sahel Observatory and CARI, resulting in the production of eight fact sheets based on the eight themes chosen as entry points for advocacy in favour of agroecology.

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Centre de ressources sur la lutte contre la désertification

Type de publication
Note / Synthèse


The Sahara and Sahel Observatory / CARI association


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Non communiqué



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