Learn from life: Contributions of the AVACLIM Project to promote agroecology in Brazil’s semiarid regions (Avaclim)

Learn from life: Contributions of the AVACLIM Project to promote agroecology in Brazil’s semiarid regions (Avaclim)

Humanity is experiencing a socio-ecological-political crisis. From an ecological point of view, climate change is one of the main aspects of this problem. Different
UN organizations and other bilateral bodies of global governance have highlighted how such changes significantly affect the different regions of the world and their peoples. These impacts aggravate regional inequalities, contributing to an increase in poverty and hunger, sexist and gender violence, environmental racism,
among other sociopolitical ills.
The semi-arid regions of the world are the most impacted ones by this reality. The different forms of appropriation of nature aimed at intensifying economic activities, such as industrial agriculture and mining, accelerate processes of environmental and social degradation, influencing water regimes, soil quality and fertility, causing the extinction of species and forcing large exodus and forced migrations, among others.
Part of these socio-environmental impacts is undoubtedly the result of the choice made, worldwide, for the development of the so-called industrial agriculture. In
contrast, agroecology presents itself as a project capable of producing food, collectively building socio-political-economic processes, based on relationships of
solidarity and reciprocity, redefining the paths of local agricultural food systems, with the active participation of women and men, who manage land and life, based on
another relationship between societies and nature.
The experience reported here is part of the development of the Project AVACLIM—Agroecology, Ensuring Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods, Mitigating
Climate Change and Recovering Land in Dry Regions, which adopts a central hypothesis that agroecology enhances the experience resilience of the farming families and rural women all over the arid lands in the world.

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Centre de ressources sur la lutte contre la désertification

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JALIL, Laeticia Medeiros. SILVA, José N. da. FREITAS, Helder Ribeiro. MARINHO, Cristiane M. CAVALCANTE,  Marcelo C., Aldrin M. Perez-Marin


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Monde, Brésil





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