Agroecology for a better food system resilience and diversity in dryland areas (Avaclim)

Banniere papier de position du ReSaD

Agroecology for a better food system resilience and diversity in dryland areas (Avaclim)

As part of the AVACLIM project’s advocacy activities, the Ethiopian partner ISD (Institute for Sustainable Development) has developed a position paper to promote the development of agroecology in Ethiopia. This paper, based on ISD’s expeNCce in its multiple projects, as well as on the characterisation and evaluation of AVACLIM’s agroecological initiatives.


Ethiopia is a country of hard-working people, largely having fertile soil and tropical climate with ideal condition for healthy and prosperous agriculture. However,
climate change is making an impact across the country particularly in the dryland parts of the country and farmers have to adapt to new and uncertain conditions with
sustainable agricultural practices.

The impact of climate change particularly on the Ethiopian dryland agriculture is only worsening, as evidenced by the enormous damage caused by floods on
farmland from heavy torrential rains and overflow of rivers, land degradation and recurrent droughts prevailing in the country’s lowlands. While billions of trees
are being planted with public policy support, these actions are only recent activities and focus on the highlands.
However, it wouldn’t be sustainable unless it is institutionalized, and adequate attention is given to take care of the establishing seedlings. Sustainable approach to dryland agriculture is also essential in order to improve the livelihood system o communities residing in the drylands of Ethiopia.

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Centre de ressources sur la lutte contre la désertification

Type de publication
Document / Papier de position




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