Take action with CARI

Together, let's help people in arid lands build a better future!

You too can help raise awareness of the challenges of sustainable development and support innovative initiatives aimed at food security and combating land degradation. Your support is invaluable!

Become a volunteer

Possible missions for volunteers

Today, CARI is looking for volunteers to support its permanent staff and Board of Directors.
The missions suggested below are not exhaustive, and it is possible to combine several of them or create new ones according to individual motivation.

Project sheet mission officer

Gather information on current projects to combat land degradation and summarize them in project sheets. The aim is to map the projects of players in the fight against desertification.

Technical sheet mission officer

Gather information on techniques for combating desertification (agronomy, water management, fertilization, natural pest control, etc.) and summarize them in practical, entertaining fact sheets. This work can also be done for water-related actions.

Support for updating web tools

Update CARI's resource center specializing in the fight against desertification: verification and correction of existing data, entry of "contact sheets" and "publications sheets". Volunteers will be trained to use these tools (CMS...).

CARI's "Special Envoy"

Take part in events, meetings and workshops in Montpellier, Paris or elsewhere, and pass on news, photos and reports (e.g. symposia organized by organizations such as Agropolis International, IAMM, IRD, MTMSI...).

Communication & event support

Support for the organization of meetings, including the holding of a specific workshop on the occasion of the Maison du Tiers-Monde et de la Solidarité Internationale (MTMSI) International Solidarity Fortnight in October 2018 or future international meetings. Support for dissemination and communication around these meetings.

Technical support/IT network

Any advice on optimizing our internal network is welcome!

English translation mission officer

CARI is also looking for someone with language skills to translate documents of various kinds (advocacy, communication, technical, etc.) into English.

Documentation & agroecology mission officer

Enhance and update the former edition of Robert Morez's Cahiers de l'Agroécologie for distribution to the general public. Create content on agro-ecology based on bibliographical research, interviews with recognized agronomists, handwritten notes and diagrams, etc. Sort and classify documents, publications and magazines on the subject and enhance their content.

Profiles sought

Retired, working, student, graduate in human sciences (communication, sociology, political science, economics, law...), agronomy, applied sciences (engineer, technician), development sciences, computer science... Even if CARI is not necessarily structured to welcome volunteers, we welcome anyone who is motivated and determined to work with us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Welcome conditions

Duration: voluntary
Environnement de travail : Vous évoluerez dans une association reconnue sur la scène internationale, au sein d’une équipe à taille humaine, dynamique et chaleureuse. Différents outils et/ou formations peuvent vous être proposés selon les tâches à effectuer. Un suivi des missions sera effectué afin d’améliorer vos compétences.