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Our missions

CARI takes action in the field with rural populations and advocates internationally the need for sustainable agriculture based on the principles of agroecology.

Combating desertification to save vulnerable regions

Biodiversity loss, land degradation, desertification and climate change are interdependent phenomena that have a joint impact on vulnerable regions. Faced with these major challenges, CARI chose from the outset to focus its missions on the world's drylands (33.8% of the world's population), which are hard hit by desertification, impoverishment and food insecurity.

In particular, the aim is to enable the peasant farmers concerned to escape poverty, ensure their own food security and generate income. Adapt their farming systems to climate change, contribute to its mitigation, and develop forms of agriculture that respect the environment, without major pollution or harm to present and future generations.

CARI builds its action around 4 fundamental postures :

Sustainable land management in drylands: a major challenge

CARI places land and agro-ecosystems at the heart of its concerns, and considers them to be the essential entry point for rural development in drylands.

The principles of agroecology as the foundation

CARI considers three main aspects of agroecology: improving resource efficiency (in monetary and external terms); strengthening resilience (ecological and economic); and ensuring equity/social responsibility.

Territorial development as an integrative approach

CARI sees the territory as a place of inspiration and implementation of developments capable of responding to the preservation of agroecosystems, while at the same time being a place of convergence for multiple stakeholders likely to work sustainably on collective and concerted actions.

Creating favorable political contexts as a prerequisite for development

CARI recognizes that public policies have a duty to create conditions conducive to virtuous development in drylands, and believes that the involvement of decision-makers can ensure the sustainability of actions taken in the field.

CARI focuses on 3 main areas of intervention

Supporting French Development Actors

CARI informs, organizes, raises awareness and supports French players involved in the development of drylands and the fight against desertification. In the international cooperation landscape, CARI is a unique structure that brings together French players in the field of drylands: the GTD (Groupe de Travail Désertification).

CARI is a partner of regional collective organizations (Occitanie coopération, Agropolis International), and aims to develop its action in the region. Through a wide range of activities, CARI aims to raise awareness, mobilize public opinion and promote better knowledge and understanding of issues relating to agriculture, the environment and desertification.

Promoting Territorial Development in Dry Africa

CARI is committed to working with rural populations in drylands, on a territorial scale, to help them become more resilient in the face of a changing environment (security, democratic, health, environmental, economic crises, etc.). In collaboration with local organizations, CARI draws on the territorial support tools it has created (notably as part of its actions with ReSaD (Réseau Sahel Désertification)).

With a view to deploying a comprehensive approach ranging from support to territorial planning, right through to the implementation of concrete actions to ensure the long-term safety of populations, CARI takes the time to diagnose the situation, so as to gain a good understanding of the terrain and the players involved, and frequently travels to provide real support in the field.

Supporting the Safeguarding and Development of Oasis Areas

CARI boasts a wealth of experience, expertise and capacity to mobilize resources (technical, scientific, partnerships, financial) on oasis issues. CARI's aim is to strengthen and empower local players, and to set up field actions for the development of oasis agro-ecology, industry structuring and territorial development. Oases are ecologically intensive agricultural production opportunities capable of providing a localized response to food insecurity in these countries, and can be considered as reservoirs of biodiversity.

Since its creation, CARI has set up a network to safeguard and promote oasis agro-ecosystems: RADDO (Réseau Associatif de Développement Durable des Oasis). RADDO lobbies decision-makers, capitalizes on the practices and experiences of its members, and strengthens their capacities. By supporting this network, CARI has strengthened its thematic expertise, its partnership network and its ability to support and structure local associations. Over the past 20 years, CARI and its partners have produced a wealth of knowledge (studies, diagnoses, action sheets, etc.) and, to some extent, changed the way certain donors view the oasis issue.