Discover our productions

Our main productions

Explore and mobilize our productions aimed at strengthening development players, influencing public policy and raising public awareness.

CARI makes available various deliverables from its previous projects.

Since its creation, CARI has endeavored to capitalize on the results of its various actions in France and abroad through a variety of media.

These productions have different objectives depending on the target audience. They are aimed at development players, to share experiences and tools with them, at national and international bodies, with advocacy or decision-making documents, or at the general public or less informed players, to inform them of our activities and raise their awareness of the issues we are working on.

See our main productions below.

Strengthening development operators to facilitate actions in the field

A training module for local authorities on the development of sustainable land management projects

Local governance is a key element in implementing strategies to combat and adapt to desertification, and enabling local players to create sustainable and appropriate projects. These tools help to strengthen the skills of local authorities and draw up an operational Sustainable Land Management project document, anchored in the realities and needs of the territory.

Agroecology assessment methods

Evaluating the performance of agro-ecological farms, and identifying the levers and obstacles to the development of agro-ecology, is a real challenge, not only to facilitate transition support but also to produce knowledge that can be mobilized for advocacy and awareness-raising. Several methods currently exist. CARI has contributed to the development of two methods: the Avaclim method and the GTAE method. These methods offer a specific approach and methodological tools for assessing the performance of agro-ecological farms and initiatives, as well as the conditions for developing the associated transition dynamics.

Educational fact sheets

Several collections of fact sheets aim to facilitate the work of development operators by providing technical support (GTD fact sheets) and sharing experiences (good oasis practices). These sheets have all been drawn up in collaboration with field operators who are familiar with the techniques and practices in question.

Influencing policymakers through advocacy

Current affairs briefs

Implementing a strategy of influencing public policy in a structured and collective way requires a harmonized understanding of the issues to be addressed by the various stakeholders involved in the consultation processes. News briefs enable us to take stock at a given moment of a subject considered important in the advocacy dynamics underway. CARI has produced several of these notes, in partnership with members of ReSaD and RADDO, as well as institutions such as OSS.

Concrete recommendations for decision-makers

Changing lifestyles, competition from globalization and the trend towards global warming are resulting in multiple assaults on the ecosystem, generating a crisis that threatens the survival of the populations living in these areas. Recommendations drawn up collectively with our partners are grouped together in summary documents such as position papers, policy briefs and so on. These documents are intended for organizations working in the areas concerned, so that these recommendations can be passed on to their local political leaders.

Declarations to make history

Some major international meetings provide an opportunity for CARI and its partners to make their mark by proposing landmark texts such as "declarations", "appeals" and others. These reference documents are generally aimed at more than just decision-makers, targeting the diversity of operators concerned by the issues (donors, international organizations, various institutions, etc.).

Raising awareness and disseminating knowledge and experience in the fight against desertification

Guidelines for Understanding and Taking Action.

These documents bring together all the information you need to understand desertification processes, the issues at stake and the players involved. They form a decision-making tool to help overcome the challenges posed by desertification.

"En’vie d’oasis" exhibition

An educational tool for the general public, presenting the oases, the challenges they face, the people and activities that take place there, etc... all with a view to raising awareness of this age-old heritage, thanks to high-quality illustrative photos.

Webdoc on the fight against desertification

An approach and methodological tools for assessing the effects of agroecological practices and systems on the agro-environmental and socio-economic performance of agriculture, and the conditions for developing these practices and systems.

Raising awareness and disseminating knowledge and experience in the fight against desertification

Exchanges of experience

Bringing to life a number of case studies of initiatives and practices in the field helps to make the experiences we wish to share more concrete for development operators who, like us, are looking for tools to facilitate their actions. Video then becomes a formidable means of accelerating the sharing of experience.


A picture can be worth more than 1000 words. When you want to convince, you need to reach the target you want to influence directly and quickly, with simple, clear and meaningful messages. Video allows us to give a voice to the diversity of actors who carry the messages we defend.

Raising awareness with music!

Music is an effective vector for raising awareness among the greatest number of people. It's one of the means adapted to our times, and the commitment of the artists we work with reinforces our conviction that it's necessary for everyone to be aware of today's issues.