Work in a network

Our networks

CARI is a member of numerous networks and is notably involved in eight of them. These include:


GTD - Groupe de Travail Désertification

Year of creation: 2000

The GTD is a platform of French players (NGOs, scientists, private structures and local authorities) whose mission is to strengthen the concertation and actions of development players and its members, mobilize public opinion and influence decision-makers in the fight against desertification and land degradation. The GTD was created and is run by CARI.

ReSaD - Réseau Sahel Désertification

Year of creation: 2010

ReSaD is made up of four national civil society platforms (Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and France) whose members have been active for many years in the fight against desertification in the Sahel. Spearheaded by CARI since 2010, it enables a collective and concerted response and fosters closer ties between players involved in combating desertification and sustainable land management. The platforms and the network focus on building the capacities of civil society players, supporting sustainable land management initiatives, and mobilizing public opinion for advocacy.

RADDO - Réseau Associatif de Développement Durable des Oasis

Year of creation: 2001

Created in November 2001, RADDO is an international network of associations working in the Maghreb and Sahel to safeguard oases and promote sustainable development in oasis environments. Working closely with local players, it is present in Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, Chad and Niger. Coordinated by CARI, RADDO works with oasis inhabitants to advocate nationally and internationally for the preservation of the tangible and intangible heritage represented by oases.


Year of creation: 2001

Drynet is a network of civil society actors involved in drylands worldwide. Drynet's aim is to strengthen civil society networks by giving them the knowledge and visibility they need to influence development policies in drylands. The challenge is to integrate the environmental dimension, particularly with regard to dryland ecosystems, into national and international development priorities, processes and frameworks. Drynet is particularly involved in the UNCCD.

MEDAE - MEDiterranean multi-actor network on AgroEcology

Year of creation: 2023

The MEDAE network is a unique knowledge-sharing and capacity-building community on agroecology in the Mediterranean. By bringing together players from different types of institutions, disciplines, backgrounds and scales (NGOs, scientists, consumer associations, private players, etc.), the MEDAE network aims to bridge the gap between contexts, policies, local, national and international knowledge, and empirical and scientific knowledge. Just emerging, MEDAE is led by CARI and helps stimulate exchanges and give a strong, unified voice to all stakeholders committed to the agroecological transition in the Mediterranean.

GTAE - Groupe de travail sur les Transitions AgroEcologiques

Year of creation: 2010

The GTAE is made up of 4 French organizations (Agrisud International, AVSF, CARI and GRET) that defend and practice, in different contexts, agroecology (in its technical components - agronomic practices - but also socio-economic - organization of upstream and downstream supply chains and services - and environmental) for the development of territories at the service of rural populations. GTAE's membership fosters collective production, exchanges of experience and joint involvement in national and international public debate on the agro-ecological transition.

Minka International

Year of creation: 2020

Founded in 2020 after more than 2 years of brainstorming between partners, the Minka network today brings together 10 members from 3 continents: Africa, America and Europe. Each has complementary experience and expertise in sustainable food systems, family farming and agroecology, acquired over many years of experience in specific contexts.

Occitanie Coopération

Year of creation: 2010

The Occitanie Coopération network is a French multi-actor regional network (RRMA). Its vocation is to develop international cooperation and solidarity in Occitanie, optimize the practices of project leaders, and finally to make visible and federate a large plurality of actors in order to develop exchanges and concertation. It gives associations, researchers, local authorities and private players the opportunity to work together to improve their international solidarity actions.

REF : Réseau Euromed France

Year of creation: 2005

Réseau Euromed France (REF) is a network of 42 French civil society organizations (associations, collectives and trade unions) and individual members working in countries around the Mediterranean. REF and its members are active in a wide range of key areas: education and youth, art and culture, migration, the social economy, the environment, gender equality, human rights, research, etc. Its members are spread throughout France, and its head office is in Montreuil.

It works on a daily basis to strengthen and promote the work of its members, and to make their voices heard by the general public, Euro-Mediterranean civil society and French and European public authorities. In this way, it aims to help shape public policy towards the Mediterranean.

Coalition Agroécologie

Year of creation: 2021

La Coalition agroécologie est un collectif multi-acteurs qui soutient la transformation du système alimentaire par l’agroécologie et la mise en œuvre de trajectoires nationales dans trois domaines : Faciliter la co-création et l’échange de connaissances, promouvoir des investissements accrus dans l’agroécologie et rechercher un engagement politique et un engagement accru en faveur de la transformation agroécologique.​​

Occitanie Coopération

Year of creation: 2010

The Occitanie Coopération network is a French multi-actor regional network (RRMA). Its vocation is to develop international cooperation and solidarity in Occitanie, optimize the practices of project leaders, and finally to make visible and federate a large plurality of actors in order to develop exchanges and concertation. It gives associations, researchers, local authorities and private players the opportunity to work together to improve their international solidarity actions.

REF : Réseau Euromed France

Year of creation: 2005

Réseau Euromed France (REF) is a network of 42 French civil society organizations (associations, collectives and trade unions) and individual members working in countries around the Mediterranean. REF and its members are active in a wide range of key areas: education and youth, art and culture, migration, the social economy, the environment, gender equality, human rights, research, etc. Its members are spread throughout France, and its head office is in Montreuil.

It works on a daily basis to strengthen and promote the work of its members, and to make their voices heard by the general public, Euro-Mediterranean civil society and French and European public authorities. In this way, it aims to help shape public policy towards the Mediterranean.