Action learning module – guidance sheets

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Action learning module – guidance sheets

This action learning module was created to help local authorities in arid areas to develop sustainable land management projects.

This learning tool comprises two documents. The document entitled, “Principles and Approach” explains how the training module has been assembled, its main content, how it is organised and a proposal on how to deliver it in 5 stages. It helps provide updates on preparations to implement the action learning module with a local authority and specifies the various planned deliverables when running the module. It also provides options to organise field‐based stages with the trained beneficiaries, to define their goals and how they organise themselves. The second document entitled, “Guidance Sheets” assembles the documents required to run this action learning module properly. It comprises all “Content”, country‐specific “Case Study” and “Facilitation” worksheets proposed. This collection of sheets can be used on demand to supplement the various sequences of the training session, which trainers can use as they need.

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Centre de ressources sur la lutte contre la désertification

Type de publication
Support pédagogique


Adeline Derkimba, Ana-Maria Oliveira and Pascale Vincent


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