Désertif’actions 2022 – National workshops

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Désertif’actions 2022 – National workshops

In the context of Desertif’actions 2022, CARI proposes to its partners and volunteer organizations to organize national workshops for the production of arguments in favor of agroecology.

CARI proposes to its partners and civil society organizations involved in sustainable land management and the promotion of agroecology to consult and develop common positions in advance of the 15th Conference of the Parties of the Desertification Convention scheduled for May 2022.

Dates: the national workshops should be held during the first quarter of 2022 (January-March 2022).

These national workshops should allow for the development of shared positions and recommendations from civil society in different countries and their partners.

For the results of the national workshops to be pooled and consolidated in order to develop a collective international argument, CARI proposes a facilitation guide based on the questions to be addressed in each workshop.

Click on the « Telecharger » button to access the terms of reference of the national workshops

CARI coordinates the Desertif’actions 2022 process. As such, CARI ensures that the results of all activities organized within the framework of this dynamic are shared.

If you are organizing a national workshop, you should inform CARI so that the results of your consultation are integrated, valued and made visible in the international advocacy process.

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