Sabià agroecological development center initiative no Brazil (Avaclim)

Sabià agroecological development center initiative no Brazil (Avaclim)

This fact sheet presents a family agroecosystem, located in the Enjeitado community in the Sertão do Pajeù in Brazil.


The initiative takes place in the Brazilian semi-arid region, which has 28 million inhabitants and is the most populous semi-arid region in the world. Its natural vegetation is “Caatinga”, a biome that has xerophyte plants, capable of restoring their full physiological functions after long cycles of drought. The Enjeitado community lives on the bank of the Pajeù River, in the territory of Sertão do Pajeù. The drought between 2011 and 2018 was the longest in the last 100 years and led to the death of some native plants in some areas.

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