Innovative trench gardening in the arid region in Ethiopia (Avaclim)

Innovative trench gardening in the arid region in Ethiopia (Avaclim)

The mission of the initiative is to enable farmers to produce vegetables and fruit using innovative moisture conservation techniques so as to minimize food and nutrition insecurity and thereby create a better life for communities in dryland areas.

The trench gardening initiative (Vegetable production in arid areas using a moist sunk bed) is being implemented in Koneba and Semu Robi districts, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia. This fact sheet focuses on the trench gardening initiative implemented at Hadel hange village in the Semi Robi district.
The village is situated in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia where there is little or no rainfall and where pastoralism is the dominant economic activity. It is located 20 kilometres from the city of Shewa Robit.

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