In June 1992, the Third United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held in Rio de Janeiro. This was an historic summit, as it resulted in three Conventions drawn up by the States Parties, addressing three global issues: climate change, biodiversity erosion and desertification. Although the primary concern of these Conventions is environmental ; agricultural and food issues underlie them, due to the impact of agriculture on the environment and the need to meet humanity’s food requirements within the limits of available resources. Agroecology, as a holistic and integrated approach, offers cross-cutting answers to these global challenges. Despite this, agroecology’s place in the decisions negotiated by the Rio Conventions remains very limited.
At a time when environmental issues are becoming increasingly pressing, generating heightened political attention for these international arenas, agroecology can provide structuring solutions within the three Rio Conventions, and guide the necessary transformation of global food systems.
On the eve of the end of the year, when the three Conventions will meet, the NGOs CARI, Humundi and Iles de Paix have carried out joint research and analysis to take stock of the place of agroecology in the three Rio Conventions. They have come up with some ideas for better integrating agroecology into the three Conventions.
A webinar to present this work
A webinar to present this work is scheduled for Tuesday September 17, from 3 pm to 5 pm (CET).
The Minka network
Minka is composed of international NGOs, farmers’ organisations, cooperatives, sharing a common vision of sustainable foods systems and the ambition to support family farming.
Founded in 2020 after more than 2 years of reflection between partners, the Minka network is now composed of 10 members from 3 continents: Africa, America and Europe.