CARI and Iles de Paix are recruiting a team of consultants to carry out the external evaluation of the Kilimo Endelevu Arusha project, which supports sustainable land management and agroecological transition in the Arusha region of Tanzania.
The Kilimo Endelevu Arusha project is the 1st phase of a 9-year program to contribute to the resilience of populations in the Arusha region of Tanzania in the face of climatic and environmental disruption, by supporting small scale farms to ensure their sustainability and increased contribution to the area’s food and nutritional sovereignty.
This first phase is co-financed by the Agence Française de Développement, and implemented by the CARI association in partnership with the NGOs Iles de Paix, RECODA and the farmers’ organization MVIWAARUSHA.
The external evaluation will cover the implementation of the project, as well as the partnership and complementarity between the 4 organizations.
The evaluation will be carried out between June and November 2024.
Proposals should be written in English and sent by e-mail to, no later than March 17, 2024.