Summary of evaluations of agroecological initiatives in India (Avaclim)

Summary of evaluations of agroecological initiatives in India (Avaclim)

The AVACLIM project (2020-2022) was built on the conviction that agroecology is one of the most promising approaches to achieve the mitigation and adaptation potential of food and agricultural systems to climate change and to strengthen their resilience. Implemented in seven countries (Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, Morocco, Senegal and South Africa), the project is coordinated by CARI, a French NGO, and implemented by partner NGOs. In India, the partner NGO is Gram Bharati Samiti (GBS, Society for Rural Development) whose mission is « to establish a society based on humanitarian and democratic values and an ecologically balanced habitat ». 

Despite the growing recognition of agroecology, it often remains a theoretical option for policy makers. In this context, the AVACLIM project aims to strengthen the sharing of knowledge gained by practitioners in the field, to evaluate agroecological initiatives and to implement advocacy, based on this scientifically validated evaluation, towards national and international political institutions.  

Thus, the seven NGO partners, in partnership with national research teams, carried out a scientific evaluation of two agro-ecological initiatives in each country according to a methodology specific to the AVACLIM project. The national scientific partner of the project is Grameen Vikas Samiti (GVS). This NGO’s mission is to address social inequalities, promote rural health care and community development programmes, and support disadvantaged, excluded and vulnerable children. 

This document is a synthesis of the evaluation reports produced for the two initiatives in India.  

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