CARI, an international solidarity association

Putting land back on the international agenda

CARI, an international solidarity association founded in 1998, works with rural populations around the Sahara. Our mission is to support small-scale farming in order to tackle food crises, promote the development of local populations and combat desertification and land degradation in arid zones.

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Our latest news

Explore CARI news and stay informed about our initiatives, agricultural developments and humanitarian commitments.

As part of the Kilimo Endelevu Arusha project, CARI is recruiting one or more consultants to produce deliverables designed to promote the project's support methods and the integration of practices into the...
The 16th Conference of the Parties (COP) was announced as the "COP of the COPs" for desertification in an international calendar that placed it as the third of the Conferences of the...
CARI took part in COP16 Riyadh in December. Accompanied by its partners GTD, RADDO and ReSaD , CARI's aim was to bring the voice of civil society to the international negotiations on...

Educate yourself

Resources center

Would you like to find out more about agroecology, desertification, land degradation, the Great Green Wall, oases...? Find all the documentation you need in our resource center!

Compte rendu complet de l'évènement parallèle sur les Stratégies pour soutenir les territoires face aux crises...
Ecoutez l'intervention de notre chargée de mission Sahel et Désertification Manon Albagnac et de Patrice Burger,...
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Our flagship project

GTD, a French network of international solidarity players

The Groupe de Travail Désertification is a French network of international solidarity actors involved in the fight against desertification. It brings together NGOs, scientists, private organizations and local authorities.

Together, its members aim to mobilize public opinion, strengthen concerted action by development stakeholders and influence decision-makers.

Act with CARI

Strengthen CARI's actions, join us!

Become a member or volunteer! Support the association financially!

Every donation strengthens CARI's actions.

You too can help raise awareness of sustainable development issues and support innovative initiatives aimed at food security and combating land degradation.

Your support is invaluable to us!

Become a volunteer!

Are you concerned about the issues of land degradation and safeguarding our food heritage?

Build a project

One of CARI's key strengths is its ability to draw on a network of partners in France and abroad.

Work with us!

CARI is constantly expanding its team. Subscribe to our newsletter to be informed of new offers.


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To keep up to date with the activities of the CARI association and/or its networks, sign up for our newsletters!

Vous serez également informé des nouvelles publications mises en ligne dans notre centre de ressources dédié à la lutte contre la dégradation des terres en zones arides.